Unused Skin Avatar Boxes will be deleted at 09:00, Contains 1 untradable Skin Avatar of your choice. Unused Look Avatar Boxes will be deleted at 09:00, UTC. Slayer (M) / Dark Knight, Slayer (F), Fighter (M), Fighter (F), Gunner (M), Gunner (F), Mage (M), Mage (F) / Creator, Priest (M), Priest (F), Thief, Knight, Demonic Lancer, Agent The obtained Avatars can be traded/sundered/combined/dyed.
A full set of The Neo: Awakened Ones Avatars (Look) can be obtained from the box after selecting a class's Advancement and type. Contains The Neo: Awakened Ones Avatar Box (Look) for a class of your choice. The Neo: Awakened Ones Avatar Selection Box (Look) (Type A - D) Title Box Creature Box / Bonus Box Neo: Capsule Machine Purchase Benefits Coin Shop Avatar Box