How do we define grace? A common definition is “God’s riches at Christ’s expense.” Another way to describe grace is “the unmerited favor and kindness of God.” And oh how He has acted out of his kindness for the good of the believer! There was justice due for the penalty of our sin, but God paid that debt through the sacrificial death of His Son. Next Steps: Learn About More Core Christian Beliefs The Riches of God’s Grace for the Believer How to Establish These Truths in Our Hearts What Our Position in Christ Means (and What It Doesn’t Mean) This study will explore the riches of God’s grace in regard to the believer’s position in Christ. Ephesians 2:7 affirms that our new status flows out of that wonderful phrase “the riches of God’s grace.” In His goodness and by His grace, God changes our standing - our position - before Him when we place our trust in Christ for the forgiveness of our sins. Our position in Christ is our legal standing with God: Are we guilty or not guilty? Debtors or free? His enemies or His friends? Understanding these things makes a difference in how we live day in and day out.
I believe that nothing is more foundational to the Christian life than for the believer to understand his or her position in Christ Jesus.